
Ключ RC Mini Racers [Steam Key ROW]

Купить Ключ RC Mini Racers [Steam Key ROW]

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Тип: Лицензионный ключ
Активация: Steam
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Покупая данный товар, Вы моментально получаете ЛИЦЕНЗИОННЫЙ КЛЮЧ с игрой RC Mini Racers, который можете активировать на своем Steam аккаунте.


Об игре:RC Mini Racers is a fast paced and explosive racing game with 20+ remote controlled mini cars, lots of missiles and mines, turbos for an extra boost as well as great hard rock music. More than 20 cars can be unlocked within the game and the car pimp shop lets you customize you RC car by changing the color, the wheels and the antenna.

The game features 24 tracks separated in circuit races (round tracks with 5 laps) and sprint races (A to B races, no rules, as fast as possible). Beside that there’s a coin racing mode where you can explore the level and collect coins for the in-game store.

RC Mini Racers has a great mixture of tracks where you need your weapons to win the race by shooting and bombing your opponents from the track but also fantastic high speed tracks where it is mostly down to great driving skills to win the race. Find out yourself which tracks you like most!

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