
Ключ ABC Coloring Town [Steam Key ROW]

Купить Ключ ABC Coloring Town [Steam Key ROW]

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STEAMWARHEAD.COM - Маркетплэйс цифровых товаров
Тип: Лицензионный ключ
Активация: Steam
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Покупая данный товар, Вы моментально получаете ЛИЦЕНЗИОННЫЙ КЛЮЧ с игрой ABC Coloring Town, который можете активировать на своем Steam аккаунте.


Об игре:

ABC Coloring Town is an interactive coloring book suitable to kindergarten and pre-school children looking for a fun letter- and word-recognition challenge in English, which also teaches basic computer concepts and skills. Travel through a wonderful fantasy village with beautiful forests, lush meadows and crystal-clear rivers on an adventure to visit 26 cozy houses, where each house is a word challenge and contains an intuitive and easy-to-use coloring book with fun options such as paint-brushes, fill- and draw-tools, and a palette of 16 distinct colors to select.

ABC Coloring Town offers a creative playground for children and is a fun way to learn Basic English pronunciation and words. Explore and learn letters from the alphabet as you visit cute houses full of pretty pictures to paint. A total of 78 pictures are included (3 pictures for each letter of the alphabet), and you will never get tired of exploring the adorable village.
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